Friday, October 10, 2008

Tyrannosaurus Rex - Unicorn (1969)

Tyrannosaurus Rex - Unicorn

1. Chariots of Silk
2. 'Pon a Hill
3. Seal of Seasons
4. Throat of Winter
5. Cat Black (The Wizard's Hat)
6. Stones for Avalon
7. She Was Born to Be My Unicorn
8. Like a White Star, Tangled and Far, Tulip That's What You Are
9. Warlord of the Royal Crocodiles
10. Evenings of Damask
11. Sea Beasts
12. Iscariot
13. Nijinsky Hind
14. Pilgrim's Tale
15. Misty Coast of Albany
16. Romany Soup

The 'freak-folk' revival of yesteryear gave us gems like Animal Collective and Joanna Newsom, but also washed up trash like Devendra Banhart and, well, everyone on that godawful The Enlightened Family compilation, with the exception of Vashti Bunyan. Anyways, thank god that's over!

But to find real freaky folks who are real freaks of folk musicians, one has to look a little harder and a little further back. What did your face look like before your parents were born? Who was Animal Collective's music before they picked up instruments?

Why... Marc Bolan, of course!

Collaborating with such luminaries as 'Steve' Peregrin Took, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Saruman of the Many Colors, with bells and whistles and puppy dog tails, Marc Bolan created a mystical, child-like wonderland where sound roamed freely, all around.

It's stunningly experimental for it's time, fearlessly incorporating all sorts of sounds into its patchwork of melodies. Kind of like an In An Aeroplane, Over The Sea, lo-fi, kitchen sink approach to things, only much less emotional crazy and a lot more quaint crazy. It fucking works, though! The clapping hoofs and bird song and Marc Bolan's loopy thin voice mumbling "sky sky sky" all come together in a way that is really quite magical. And the melodies! Good god! I really didn't expect some of the best, most gorgeous, most comforting melodies I'd ever hear in my life to come from people pretending to be hobbits but fuck! They are so crazy catchy and beautiful, it's hard not to melt into a puddle of fairy goo. The flow of the album is also very solid, which is surprising, given how loose-sounding the songs are. But, well, that's what it is. All the songs make sense in their little compartments but put together they weave a wonderful world around you... How much more convincing do you need? It's a great album, pls download kthnxbai.

Oh man... look at that cover. Is it just me that wishes it was a picture of them doing each other instead? Did I just come out to the internet?

Tyrannosaurus Rex - Unicorn (

Buy It Now!

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